
  • Spacious and well ventilated class rooms with Audio-Visual Aids
  • Well Equipped Nursing arts labs
  • State of the art computer lab with internet facility to browse medical and nursing related sites.
  • Seminar Hall, Library of nursing books, journals and magazines.

Hostel facilities

We have Hostel accommodation for our students; each resident is housed in a shared room and has phone and computer with internet access. There are shared bathrooms, Laundry, dining area, recreational area, and common room with meeting area, television area, gym, library, dispensary and large open space for social events.

  • All rooms well ventilated
  • Hygienic and homely food
  • Round-the-clock security
  • Closed circuit recording cameras for 24-hour surveillance

Special features

  • No Donations
  • Nominal fee
  • No Ragging
  • Merit Scholarships
  • Placement assistance
  • Secure Accommodation
  • State of the art infrastructure
  • Computers with internet facility
  • Assistance for IELTS,CBT,CGFNS and NCLEX-RN
  • Training for Spoken English, Soft skills, Grooming and capacity Building.
  • Annual medical examination and vaccination against Tetanus, Hepatitis B etc.
  • Recognized by the State Govt., Indian Nursing Council, Affiliated to KN University of Health Sciences.